Another morning spent praying to the
porcelain God…
My whole body aches and wretches in pain
as, once again, part of my day is spent trying to count the pounds of food
wasted, destined for life as sewage
I pride myself on being a relatively
healthy person. No major ailments other than anaemia, no broken bones, no big
diseases, in fact my only childhood trip to the hospital was to the ear, nose
& eye clinic in Oxford, where aged six I lodged a stone up my nose during a
boring outdoor assembly.
I have always been an overachiever.
Pregnancy however is proving my Achilles
heel, sapping my freakish man strength from my very core:
– haemoglobin count lower than ever, creating uber
– Pelvic girdle pain, causing excruciating hip pain
when I sleep on my back and often getting in/out of bed
muscle in chest – pain breathing deeply, coughing,
sneezing, laughing too hard
UTI – urinary tract infection, causing frequent
peeing and pain
At times I have felt my body completely
defeated me
And then I remember “them”
That growing life needing energy and
nutrients and safety
And I find myself saying to people:
don’t care how sick I get, as long as “they” are ok.”
If I puke everyday, which I seem to enjoy
so much, it seems worthwhile pain to endure as long as baby is alright.
Pregnancy seems to be cracking this snow
queen’s heart.
Making her think of someone other than
And I’m reminded of Jesus:
he saw the multitudes, He was moved by compassion for them…”
said, ‘They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.’”
My Father, if this cup [dying for man’s sins on the
cross] cannot pass away from Me unless I
drink it, Your will be done.”
I know I am no Jesus.
But this womb growing seeks to shape and
embrace the fullness of this simple truth.
What situation today is Father God using to
call you into that place?
The place where you sip
Bitter drink
For joy is found when that cup
Is empty
Fully devoured
To save the lives
of others.
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