Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Beautiful Responsibility

She doesn't scream, but I still hear her
Hand sucking in crib
Voice quietly and aimlessly chattering

When picked up, arms envelope my neck
And sudden head bobbing begins
So sudden, head clatters with my lips
I taste blood in my mouth
My body feels tired
Wondering why I have forsaken
Our favourite time of rest

Clammy fingers reach up towards my neck and fall in submission
As large gulps begin
The wild animal is tamed
And so I lie
For ten
Or twenty
Or thirty
Too often more than 60
Minutes with
No words
Just her heavy breathing
Cutting through the silence of night

Minutes with
The quiet knowledge
That to her
This twilight exploration
Is like manna from heaven
Full fat organic goodness
Her only way to survive

Without me,
she is weak
A responsibility that shatters my selfishness
Breaks my wants
Shows me so much of unfailing love of Father God

Physically, you tire me
Spiritually, you revive me

The burp rudely juxtaposes the silence
Your mouth accidentally drips its excess
Head flops over my shoulder
Body waves white flag
As slowly I lay you back down

My beautifully exhausting responsibility

{written in 30 mins during a 5am feeding session. feeding zella hasnt always been an easy journey...thankful that I have come to the place where I can celebrate it}

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My babes are sleeping, but I cannot

I feel as if I live in this place of constant frustration
Of constant wrestling between two polar opposites
Of constant emotional battle where I never win

I know the unconditional love of Father God, his forgiveness and blessings
Yet my Bible remains so often unread, its life-giving words shut off to my heart

I stare at my beautiful baby girl, eyes bright with wonder and joy, loving my time with her
But haunted repeatedly by news stories, fears and worries, that any moment the enemy could snatch her away from me

Enjoying the freedom of staying at home with my princess, wondering about serving in the community, training so I my photos would pay
Yet wondering if it is mere whimsy, an idyllic life far from my reach, and I need to grasp the financial stability of returning to the formal grind of my previous work

Having the low-key, no worries option of renting, and knowing that my home doesn’t define me
But plagued by seeing more and more friends on property ladder, and wondering if we will ever climb its rungs

My heart cries out to write and write, and dreams of a future, a career, inspiring with pen, bringing life with words
Yet it seems just that, a dream so far away, a joy that can’t rise to the surface on long busy days.

Buts and Yets stutter my growth
As an adult
As a wife
As a mother
They stop me from enjoying where I am
And the future looms its dark cloud over me

I remain restless
I feel exhausted
I wonder if it will change at all
Or am I resigned to a life that just feels this torn
In the losing middle of tug-of-war

Why can’t I be satisfied and just enjoy where I am, who I am?

When will I fully understand,
It is what it is?

When will I rest?

When will I win?