The ‘One’ campaign released details from a study it did on those who were involved in their cause. The study revealed that of the entire Christian population, only 3% were involved in the campaign; of the secular or 'no faith' population, the number increased to 7%. Regardless of your religious tendency, these statistics highlight that very few in our society are seeking to make a difference.
With a massive 150-200 millions orphans on the planet, can we afford for so few of us to be tackling this issue?
With a massive 150-200 millions orphans on the planet, can we afford for so few of us to be tackling this issue?
This is a collection of all the various ideas that were thrown around at the camp – look at the list: What fit your strengths? What draws you in? What ideas had you never thought of? What do you feel the spirit is drawing you towards?
// Practise vulnerability – be willing to be broken as you reach out to the vulnerable.
// Adoption
- Consider adoption. Not just as a back up plan if you cannot have children biologically, but as a way to build a family. You will attach to a child who lives with you 24/7 whether they are given to you through biology or adoption.
- If 1 person in every fourth church in America adopted domestically, there would be no more children needing adoption in the USA. Just ONE person/couple out of every four church congregations…
- Make sure your adoption is ethical, especially when it is international.
- Do not become anti-international adoption
- Encourage others to be adoptive parents
// Support those you know who are adopting:
- Help fundraise
- Provide rest opportunities for the parents as their family expands
- Be a listening ear
- Provide meals
- Pray for them
- Engage in their journey
// Foster care
- Consider being a safe place for local children to come to. A foster child/ren will stay anything from a few nights to over a year.
- Financial support is provided in both England and America for fostering
// Have your church participate in Orphan Sunday (November) where the plight of the worlds orphans are highlighted and opportunities to help provided.
// Ask your church to provide a monthly space to discuss, from the front, orphan care and how you can make a difference
// Find local agencies that support birth mothers who are placing their children for adoption and volunteer with them
// When on mission trips, seek to find out the stories behind the children you are speaking with
// Provide financial assistance to single parents/grandparents raising children
// When considering going on a mission trip to “help people” consider:
- Should I really be going on this trip: is it for me or for the people of that country? If it is more for you, then be open in that fact, and call it travel rather than a mission trip.
- Have a greater imagination of what could be done with the money for that trip
// Become a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate for a child) – you become an advocate for a child who has been removed from their home
// Visit the local children’s shelter
// Use your artistry/gifting (art, poetry, blogging, photography, music…) to highlight the cause of the orphan
// On visits abroad, help find sustainable work for orphans, rather than just giving them money
// Research child trafficking – be aware of what is going on – W.E. Dubois describes the “coward that does not know”.
// Don’t just support fundraising efforts – engage in the stories of those who are asking for money, as well the stories of those they are raising funds for
// Sponsor a child with Compassion International, World Vision or any other organisation
// Support children in your area with special needs
// Become more aware of domestic violence in your community – face it, be available, know what to do, be an open door, fund the root cause, collaborate with others, encourage your church to teach it from the pulpit, support local programmes, use your gift to reach out to abused children.
// If you encounter Domestic Violence or Sexual abuse – be calm & stoic, listen, be a “Safe” adult, open and empathetic, report judiciously, compose a safety plan with those involved, do not try to “save” child/family or get over-involved, do not underestimate the abusers desire to “control” or suppress or avoid potential consequences, charm or violence, Believe those who speak to you and locate resources.
// Raise up godly fathers and husbands – Be a godly Father and husband
// Mentor the fatherless – find a fatherless child/teen and meet with them once a week to pour into their lives. Invest in them. Show them they are loved. Fill the gap.
Each of us most look inside ourselves, not look to the right or to the left, in order to decide what to do.
Remember, Orphan Care is a mandate to us ALL!
There is a need.
See it.
Respond to it.
It’s that simple.
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