Thursday, April 18, 2013


When you look in the mirror at home,
You are fine and happy with what you see.

The problem is when you step outside of the home.

That's where the mirrors reflect something else.
Something other.

Gathered in a room of girls,
Silently competing,
"Fine and Happy" suddenly isn't cutting it.

That skirt you thought was fetch,
Their eyes squint at it, but then smile up at you betrayingly.
You look down,
And its newfound ugliness pierces through you.

And yet again,
That ugly deceiver rears its head

Oh no,
Not envy.

We are aware of envy's danger, it's hold, it's wrath.
We are wise to envy's game and the lies of the grass being greener.
So it sends, instead, the coy and looming face of its partner:


I remember the night,
Months previously,
As I did my far too regular trawl of Facebook,
I saw a mother describe how her bundle had finally cracked it and was getting to sleep at 6:30pm and sleeping through the night.

The words grabbed me.

My sane brain left, and my over achieving mind took over.

It started off being happy and pleased knowing the rest a mother needs,
The difficult season the early days of babies are,
And the relief her soul must feel.

Then like a snake it winded cunningly down another dark path,
One where I, once again, questioned my mothering skills:

"Why cant I get my child to sleep?!"
"What am I doing wrong?!"
"'Am I not a good mother?!"

The path weaves further, leading to an ugly pit:

"Why isn't Zella like that child?!"

That's where comparison grabs you,
To that place where even those you love,
Those most close,
most vulnerable,
Risk being attacked.

If I play that evil game,
With my precious babe at just 4 months young,
Then where will I be in 4 years or 14?!
How bruised and damaged will her self-esteem be??
For isn't the root cause of the too-skinny
Too-drugged up
Lying naked and stripped at the feet of comparison??

The saddest thing of all,
The true travesty of the situation,
Is that comparison steals your joy.
Steals your now.
Steals the things of beauty,
Laid before you in this moment.

At present, my favourite thing about Zella is the way she is with people.
Long did I imagine, hope and pray for a child who would not just be ok with others,
But revel in the wonder and fun of new people.

As our dear friend came over and sat on our sofa Sunday night
Zella played with her face
Smiled brightly
Burped responsively
Cuddled tightly
And brought more joy to an individual than I ever thought she could as such a young thing.

And as we travelled across the Atlantic
She took her spirit of woo
Of charm
Of love
At the airport check in desk
Sweet smiles to the security guards
Passengers apprehensive about her small life and potential cries
Were enveloped into her grin and giggles
And as each friend in Texas called her name
She reached arms swung wide open
Almost falling into their embrace
To stroke their face and nuzzle close

If I stand in the place of looking at others side-by-side to her,
I miss seeing her as she sits, just as she is, on her own, as her own individual.

I cannot and will not compare myself to another.
And I most certainly cannot and will not compare my child,
my kin, my babe, fruit of my womb,
To any other.
I will not buy into that silent lie,
That breeds bacteria of discontent.

She, just the way she is,
Like husband, just the way he is,
Like me, just the way I am,
Is more than enough.
Just right.

These words will I speak into her,
Over her,
Through her,
With her.

"Zella, you are fine and happy, just the way you are."


  1. Replies
    1. Humbled. Thank you.
      Glad to share my failings in the hope that others wont make the same mistake.
