Tuesday, July 26, 2011



We like quick fix
Drive thru’

We want solutions

But yet can’t embrace process

We dig for secrets

Slam head against dead end.

Before you, us, all
Is a path

It will finish when it is supposed to
The long adoption
The long job wait
The long period of singleness
The long feeling of grief
The long time ‘til moving
The long volunteer work experience
The long disease
The long uncertainty

“I will run the course of your commandments
You shall enlarge my heart.”

As I endure this
My heart grows

More of that which I am in need of

I am changed.
Course end reveals
Cocoon shell
No longer harbouring the old self
But new flying free
New large heart
Full with lesson learnt
And I learn to like it slow.

If I go too fast
Who knows what I might miss.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Him & him

So yesterday caused much ruckus
Amongst dating and married couples alike
A hated target amongst other wives
As their husbands declared
They too wanted
A white metal object of joy

My heart delighted
Too much in the deceit
And sneakiness
Of months of secret saving
To provide the “whoop whoop bird”
Something to truly
Make a noise about

But my heart delighted too
In the sacrifice
Of me not being the front
For behind the camera
I, like you, merely watch
In wonder at another’s joy

Was sacrifice worth
Not having Fossil purse
Or lack of TOMS wedges
Was sacrifice worth
More of him and
Less of

Is sacrifice worth making vow
To say I will submit
And follow you
Not rearing ugly domineering head
But letting you lead
Knowing you have my interest
Best interest
Safely in your heart?

And when others
Even royals
Omit obey
Is sacrifice worth
Being the only one
To take words
In humble pie
Willing to say
I don’t know it all
I am often wrong
Two minds
Better than one alone
I will listen
And follow you

And as this horizontal
Same level relationship
Seeking to lift the other
And not all about self
It spurs me on in my worship of
The one that it matters most about.
The one whose ways I ultimately
Submit to
For they are higher than mine
Wiser than mine

Can we put ourselves aside
Casting down pride
Willing to be less
So that others may be more?

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I am not sick.
Scratchy throat.
Mucus overflowing.
Congested eyes.
Kleenex empty.
Orange juice overdose.
All a mere coincidence
I am not sick.

Why do I not want to be “sick”?

Because to be sick
would mean to take
to a take a tablet that says
condescendingly with little blue face:
“There is something wrong with you;
you need to be fixed.”

The shame of feeling wrong
Being incomplete
Not 100%

The stigma of not being all put together
The pity eyes that say
“Hope you feel better soon”

I am not sick

Because I don’t want to be vulnerable.
I don’t want to be weak
Not strong enough
For the callings of day-to-day existence
When millions of others
Handle same situations
Just fine
But I cannot.

And that brings me shame.

I am not sick.
I don’t want to be sick.
I can’t be sick.

And because I refuse to take on the sickness
Confess the ill
Own the weakness
Admit my lacking

I will not be healed. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Arlington, Texas
My home for five years

Yesterday I got on a plane to you
For the last time that I know of

This is our last summer together

When we first met, the sun so bright and warm at 8pm
After invasive immigration “welcome”
You lavishness welcomed me as I settled into my pool house
My first experience of life behind gates
My British charm delightful
Until the second day came
when I called my host’s adult son
 a smart ass
And I realised your language is different
And I have a potty mouth.

I wondered whether I would fit
In within your
Redneck ways
And cowboy hats

But there is so much more to you than
The show ‘Dallas’ portrays

Arlington you were the place
I learnt
Really learnt
Youth ministry
Learnt it’s significance
Learnt that it makes my heart beat
Learnt that mediocrity doesn’t pay the bills
And doesn’t save souls

Learnt to delegate
Let go
Not control
And grow others

Learnt how hard
Yet beautiful it is
To create family
Family that loves Father

Learnt that consumerism
Is in the church
But authenticity
Brings freedom

Learnt about the journey
The conversation
The adventure in you
Your word
Really knowing and studying your word
And your spirit
In the everyday

And Arlington,
You were the place that comforted me
Wiped tears
In the face of
breast cancer
brain tumours

And most of all
I thank you
For getting me married
And keeping me married
For without the mentors of your city
I know I would be
Another divorce statistic
Or another lonely girl
Unable to trust

The best way to know a city
Is to get lost in it
And now I don’t know where
Arlington ends
And I begin

So I put on my swimsuit
Enjoy your sun
Sip all the Sonic I can

And forget about the tears that will flow
When nine weeks
Is counted down.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We just need
To slow down

To walk for 2 hours
Conversation with a heart
Like yours
Meander streets
While seeking intentionality
For your life

To wander stores and look
At colours
For creativity
And inspiration
Patterns and brights
That speak and show
Of another way
To look
At this thing
Of earth

To watch the eyes
The doorway to souls
Of strangers passing
An existence so unlike
Yet so similar
To your own

To wait
And see
If the Lord will fight
The battles that bring panic
Into the heart
That desires the release

To wait
and see if stillness
Can really produce

To wait
And see
The friends whose faces
Have slight wrinkles from
Months more life lived
But whose faces big smile
Have not forgotten yours

To wait
And see
And taste
And see
That God
You are so very very good

And as I take the time
To really see
Holiday can be found on a beach
But also in a city
A graduation
A store
Or a home

Because holiday
That rest
The peace
Is found
In my Father.