Thursday, February 10, 2011


First comes love
Then come marriage
Then comes the baby in the baby carriage.

This is how we have been trained to see life.

A picture of a couple settled in holy matrimony,
making a planned decision to bring one or more children
into the world.

A baby is welcomed into the family
With a shower of
Words of encouragement for the first timer
The belly swells with joy
Because this is what they have been waiting for

This once traditional ordering is being played around with so much in society

So lets just mess around with it some more.
Lets throw another way into the mix.

A couple with several children open their home to foster children
Adopted children
Not with the usual baby shower
But a “Gotcha” day
And a step out into an unpredictable world.
One of a variety of emotions.
The multicultural smiles around the table,
remind them that this,
though a hard decision,
Is a beautiful one.
The children interact with love
This is what they have been waiting for.

While we are mixing with the non-traditional
Can I suggest something even more different?

A couple, married for a few years, think about a new arrival
Or two
Or three

Not of their own womb, but still to be
Their own

Surprising as they scan the internet, they see so many sibling groups
Even a few fives

What is their story the couple wonder?
Abandoned, abused, neglected, malnourished...

But the story doesn’t seem to matter
It’s the faces that matter.

The faces that say:
“Will you be our family

The hands that hold one another tight and say:
“Please, keep us all

The eyes that don’t quite make contact as if to say:
“I don’t know if we can trust you
we want to”

The couple discover on their journey,
It’s not just the cute, little newborn that needs a home
It’s the bigger ones

Those “bigger” in age
Those “bigger” in emotional issues
Those “bigger” in developmental and mental health needs
Those “bigger” in grouping

When the world has 147 millions orphans
147 million individual lives
needing a home
a family
a mummy & a daddy

Why make another baby?
Why bring a life into this world,
when they are so many in need already?

Is it selfish to want a child that looks likes you
Sounds like you
Came from you
When there are so many who still need you?

What defines a child
Your child?
Is it that they came from you,
made with your DNA?

Or is the time that you spend with them
Developing them
Training them
Playing with them
Investing in them
and Loving them?

What makes a mum and a dad?
Is it merely genetics?
Or is it something else
Something more
Something greater

Steve and I step into a journey of working out
What are we called to?
Why is this becoming something that we grow passionate about?
When will we be parents?
Who will be our children?

Whether they come
From us
Or to us

We know
will be like us. 


  1. This is a beautiful post. I think you guys are in for an exciting journey! Thanks for commenting so I could "find" you.

  2. Thanks Sarah!! I am loving reading your work and journey (my husband in particular enjoyed Riley's "tree house"!!
    Was at !dea Camp this past weekend discussing 'Orphan Care' - great conversations had and really started to open up more thoughts!!
