Saturday, June 11, 2011


Who are you?
What have you done?
What have you achieved?
What characteristics do you model?
What box would you put yourself into?

Thus begins the writing of my Resume
My Curriculum Vitae
One to Two pages of

The five years on Pais and elaborate experience
The youth groups worked with
Educational achievements at Keele and Cheney
Progression through the ranks of Dorothy Perkins
Summer camps, mentoring, dance classes
On one to two pages of
What I have done

How do I portray myself?
Team Player?
Time Manager?
Trite and clichéd word after word
On one to two pages
Of adjectives
Who I am.

Who I am?
On one to two pages?
26 years crammed into two slices of A4
longer letters written to grandma
bigger emails sent in passing to friends
but yet
this is what you give me
for my words
to describe

Angst and stress
Over prepositions and tenses
Am I writing it well enough?
They will judge me as an English student
Am I fully explaining but
Keeping it short
On my one to two pages
little old me

I have to be honest
Toot my own horn
And lay it out straight
I can’t be confined
To your little mind
Wrapping itself around
One to two pages

I am more
than one to two pages

and even if you get me for interview there
and I sit business-dressed
with a little bit of stylish flair
and we talk for an hour and then you say
yes or
I still can’t be confined
To that little bit of time
For I am worth more than one to two minutes
Of talk of pretence
So I have money to pay my rent

And you say yes and hire me
And I work tirelessly
For several years
Before going back to get another degree
Or I move back along
To pick a different path
At the end of it all
The words you will say
Are still not enough to describe
Who I am

You are more than a CV two pages of word
You are more than an interview, two hours of talk
You are more than your job, two years in the making

You are more
You are more
You are more

You will always be more than the job that you have
You will always be more than a yes or a no
You will always be more than an advert in newsprint

So we’ll jump through the hoops
And we’ll say the right things
And we’ll talk a good talk
Have them nodding their heads
And we’ll sometimes feel failed
As if we aren’t enough
Come home from hard days
Thinking it’s just too tough
And feel in a box, in a bind
Not gotten, not appreciated
Not fully
Who you are.

Because who you are is a person
Intricately made
Worked on, expanded,
Day after day
Father knit you, and made you,
Worked tirelessly
To produce the very best
You or me.

Part time or full
Contracted or temporary
Job centre trawler or permanent lawyer
We are more
Than the titles
We are more than the pages

Don’t find your worth in those places
Or the wages you are paid

Don’t find your worth in their affirmation
Or the commission you have gained

Don’t find your worth in the failures
In the painful traipse across town

For you are more
You are more


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