Sunday, June 19, 2011


You hate to be the “fun sucker”
The one who sits on the other side of the fence head in hands
Sulky face
While others run circus style
With joy and laughter
And hope
And point at you wondering why you
Insist on being so dull
Not joining the party

But you sulk and whine
Attempting to disguise
Sadness at the fact
The tear-stained cheeks
At the party’s strict guest list
And you’re can’t possibly be on it

Because you don’t have a dad.

In family portrait where biological father should be
Stands shadow of a man
I do not know
Cannot know
Will never know
Would not delight to know

For what would a coward of a man
Defiantly and flippantly
turning back on responsibility
Possible have
To offer me

I am not his daughter.

Mother does what mother should
Arms wide, full of love
Shopping trips with bargains
Late night gossips over hot chocolate
At home relaxer mishaps and remedies on scarred skin
Cooks well enough to feed both stomach
And heart

But mother cannot do what father should
For that is not her role
That is not her portion
That is not her blame

For she held the bike as I nervously stumbled
Traipsed to parent teacher meetings alone
Taught half-naked toddler to read and write

And took my arm and gave it away
Entrusting into arms of a man she deemed fit enough

 A man who wouldn’t leave me behind.

You see,
The fatherless heart is a precious thing
Broken so early on
Barely even functional
Stone walls surround
Yet bribes are taken
For despite how much I know I can’t trust
And don’t want to be vulnerable
A smile and promise can lead you in

But cement lines show
New layers added
As promises are proven to be empty
I am blessed for in the gap
So many have stepped into
Willing to take the place where one wouldn’t go

For years or for seasons
They have shaped me
And weaved me
Mended me
Resuscitated me
Blank field on birth certificate proves a painful reminder
But I choose
To twist it around
Words of a teacher
Etched in my heart:

“He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”

For I am a joy
A princess
A jewel
Worthy of so many crowns
A fighter back in the ring

For “fatherless” will not be my definition
Not my crutch
Nor my excuse
For phoenix rises from ashes

Of statistics and stereotypes
To prove I am more than enough

And though earthly situations
Led to spiritual deformations
And I struggled to trust
In a Father who cared
Who would stick around long-term
Fulfilling his word

Oh Father God you have shown yourself strong.

My past has shaped,
But it will not dictate.

So today, will you not
Dry the tear
And be around 
And sit and support
The ones just like me.

For we are a fragile kind,
In need of a unshakeable Father.


Happy Father's Day
Father's, Step-dad's, Adoptive Fathers, Papa's, Grandpa's, Pops', G-Pa's, Uncle's, Foster dad's, Cousin's, Mentors, big brother's, men of the community....never forget what a difference you make in the life of a child, just by simply being there...

...without you, they would be fatherless

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