Saturday, June 18, 2011


Last night my eyes hit the pillow at 4am.
Facedown into my billowing down clouds they went
Only to be abruptly awoken at 8:50am by a husbands kisses goodbye,
and a glance to the clock to see that I was being picked up
in 15 minutes time.

Car horn honks at 9:05 to which a reply is sent:

Just got out of the bathroom. Be down in 2 mins.

Tiredly I climb into the car emotionally but not physically ready for 8 hours of writing, conversations, birthday brownies delivery, emails and Facebook polling.
Followed by dinner and talks, celebrating the life of an 8 year old.
Cosied in pyjama’s, at nearly midnight, I cuddle with husband as he continues his Fifa ‘Battle of Glory.’

Oh how I wish this day wasn’t typical.
But such is the life when you believe.

That your skills and gifts are not for your sake.
People are valuable.
There is much to be learned from those older than you.
That children desire and love your attention.
That even brief moments together can make an impact.
That Father God is doing great things
And you are desperate to be a part of them.

My feet drag when faced with enforced task
Knowing there is an impact, and I need to be a good steward,
I will continue to work hard
By my heart knows it tastes dissatisfaction
And it longs for more

But when you love
Oh how your butt can haul
And work
Tired eyes continued to type, edit and examine
With the arrival of the dawn
For the heart believed in the work
Of the hands.

How long can my soulless body
Sit at bring desk
And look outside at open field
Desperate for exploration?

When I stepped out of Pais almost a year ago,
Several wondered if this was a turn wrong
I stretched and pressed in
To hear Father God’s voice speak to me
Yearning for the noise in the whisper

And I stand now
At how wonderfully hard
How beautiful an adventure
Into who I am
And who I am in Him
And how this changes
the world around me

Exposing where my heart lies
by what my actions have done
time spent on strange, and new, and ordinary
made sweet lemonade
when given oranges
The wandering 
has been the most honest thing I have ever truly done.

deep calls to deep
soul cries loud
"Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now"

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