Friday, June 10, 2011


The last words from my lips
last night were a cry out to God, and Steve who was listening too…
"I just want to be able to speak more…I feel like I am losing my gift…”

early morning phone call with cell phone on the breakfast bar
causes sleepy hearted stumble
voicemail reveals the unbelievable
“are you able to speak today?”

12 hours after prayer, answer comes.
My God listens
My Father is attentive to me
I am heard

Hurried panic to find words
And activities
50 children?
Aged 6-13?!
That usual thought of “this only happens to me”
Runs through my head
But exciting thought jogs alongside
“What a beautiful chance to speak into young lives.”

Last nights meditation meets this morning’s devotion
Conversation just between Father God and me
Brought to larger sphere
From the overflow of my heart
Shall my mouth speak

Clock ticks
Panic sets
Arrive to crazy kids running loose
Heart pains in chest. Can I do this?

Crazy English games of true or false
1.     England can fit into Texas 5 times
2.     I have met The Queen
3.     The 2012 Olympics are in London, England
4.     England’s most popular sport is soccer
5.     In cricket there are 11 players on a team
(answers below)

Then into passionate reading of Psalm 84:

“How lovely is your dwelling place…

…my heart and flesh cry out for the living God…

…Blessed are those who dwell in your house, they are ever praising you…

…better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere…

…no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”

Returning to the sweet spot:

“Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
Who have set their heart on pilgrimage.”

What does a blessed face look like?
Where do you get your strength from?
What is a pilgrimage?

a journey that 6 year old boy travels with heavy backpack on shoulders, as he face plants sprinting across gymnasium floor
a dance, celebration, the full life with Father

Time spent sketching and pondering: Do you want to set your heart on a journey and dance with God?
Paper and pen reveal hearts overflow

Sweet prayer time with babes
Hearts deep with praise

Then silly questions like
“are you married?”
“Do you have any brothers?”
“Do you like playing American football”
“What position did you play in soccer?”

but questions none the less, desiring relationship, understanding
to be connected with another person
connected to another place

isn’t that the desire of us all
to be connected?

And it all it takes is a heart
Willing and open
To say
I am ready
I will speak

As the letter of Peter says:
“always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you”

And I am ever hopeful.

[True/False: 1.True, 2.False, 3.True, 4.True, 5.True]

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